Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Active Martial Arts Rotating Curriculum

What is a rotating curriculum and how does it work?
Our program is based on a rotating curriculum, which is a newer approach to studying martial arts that has proven very effective at increasing student success in the classroom. Under a rotating curriculum system, all students of the same general skill level learn the same curriculum in a series of cycles. 

The Striking and Grappling program have 4 skill levels:

  • Beginner - (Striking white and yellow belts / Grappling white belts up to 2 stripes)
  • Intermediate - (Striking orange, green, blue, and purple belts / Grappling Yellow & Orange Belts)
  • Advanced - (Striking brown, high brown, red and high red belts / Grappling Green belts)
  • Elite - (Striking black belts / Grappling blue belt and above)

Beginners train for 2 cycles (each cycle last 8 weeks) and then progress to intermediate level. Intermediate level lasts 4 cycles and then progress to the advanced level. Each cycle has different curriculum to learn in that skill level.

Ex. The Striking Beginner level is composed of white and yellow belt techniques and is 2 cycles long. You will spend a total of 4 months at the beginner level and be ready to move on to the Intermediate level at Orange belt.

Wolfpups have 2 skill levels:

  • Beginner- (White, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple belts)
  • Advanced - (Camo brown, brown, camo red, red, camo black, Wolfpup black belt)
The Wolfpup beginner level is 6 cycles long, and each cycle lasts 8 weeks. Your child will be given the opportunity to advance to the Wolfpup Advanced skill level when they reach Camo brown belt. Some wolfpups will skip rank depending on their age and ability, but this is a subject for another post.

What are the benefits for the student?
  • Rotating curriculum helps all students to move at a more regular pace, meaning that students will not lag behind their teammates, creating appositive feeling of inclusion and self-worth. 
  • Instructors are able to identify right away the students that need help. It also means that students will receive the same level of instruction from a consistent, recognizable instructor and will eliminate students being taught different things by different instructors.
  • It helps to develop more concrete, short-term goals for students. Students will learn new curriculum every few months, which will keep the study of Martial Arts fresh and exciting for them.
  • Overall, it streamlines and simplify both the classroom and the learning process so that students receive adequate instructor attention, and practice to assure their continued success.
How does the rotating curriculum affect the belt system?

It is very important to understand that our system separates belts from curriculum. There are no "orange belt techniques", as techniques are grouped by skill level. Orange belts will learn the same techniques as purple belts and at the same time. Purple belts have trained 4 cycles of the Intermediate curriculum, while orange belts have only trained 1 cycle. The color of your belt represents your rank, how long you have been training, and your proficiency in techniques; not which cycle you are training. 

How do I know which cycle we are on?

On the bulletin board, as well as our calendar there will be a list of exactly what cycle each skill level is currently on. The cycles are named after different elements of nature and symbolize your progression and journey in martial arts. Ex. seed cycle, sun cycle, earth cycle, water cycle, etc... When watching your DVD, make sure you are watching the current cycle!

I hope this helps you understand our curriculum and rank progression system. If you have any questions feel free to talk to a staff member. Also make sure you like us on facebook.

Jeremy Molley

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