Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Martial Arts For Kids in Monroe WA

Martial Arts for Kids in Monroe WA

Got karate kids? Do they run around the house like ninjas? Martial Arts might be the answer!

With a scream, your 6-year-old leaps into the air kicking, raising your hair and blood pressure simultaneously. Before you panic and pad the walls, try channeling this energy into a martial arts class.

Activities like tae kwon do, and karate are a fun way for both boys and girls to achieve fitness and focus. Some parents may think they also promote violence, but that's a myth, according to experts. The martial arts actually help teach self-discipline and socialization skills. In fact, many parents whose children have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) report great success with these programs because self-control and concentration are exactly the skills underdeveloped in ADHD kids.

A typical hour-long class begins and ends with a bow to the Instructors to show respect. After a fun warm-up, students practice skills, which includes kicks, punches, and blocks. Each requires concentration and strict attention.

Progress is marked by the belt system. Testing for each new level, every three months, is a good exercise in setting and achieving goals.

But, say experts, it's the respect kids learn, whether from bowing or standing still and waiting for the next command, that can be the most important benefit: It often carries over into school, helping to improve behavior and even grades, according to recent research.

Our Junior Striking program, geared for school-aged children, helps them to develop confidence, endurance, athletic ability, discipline, focus, concentration, and respect. In today’s society, it must be recognized that now more than ever, kids are being put subject to peer pressure and other things that will negatively affect their lives. Martial Arts will teach them what they need to resist peer pressure and give them a life long commitment to excellence that will keep them on the right track to becoming successful and moral adults. Within a matter of weeks, you will see an amazing change in your child after beginning our program. They will be more disciplined and better structured. It is also our goal to train our students to achieve the highest level of excellence both in Martial Arts and in their everyday lives. Our commitment to developing national and world champions has kept kids motivated to break beyond what they ever thought was possible.

Benefits of Martial Arts training
•Losing weight
•Relieve stress
•Self-defense skills
•Positive academic values
•Discipline & self-control
•Channel aggressive energy
•Self-esteem and confidence building
•Have fun!

Teaching Self Discipline in Monroe WA

Teaching your child Self-Discipline at Active Martial Arts Monroe WA!

"Discipline is when someone tells you to do something, and you do it. Self Discipline is when you do something on your own, without having to be told to do it." - Every student at Active Martial Arts

Our students are required to memorize this statement as part of their martial arts knowledge. Not only do we talk about it, but we encourage them to live it through special missions they can accomplish at home, school, and in Martial Arts class. Students earn points for practicing Self-Discipline in our program. These points add up and allow them to test for their next belt and even earn special wrist bands. Activities such as brushing your teeth, doing homework, studying for a test, or even taking out the trash when it is full become a mission to improve their self discipline, make their parents (and instructors) proud, and earn their next belt!

If you are interested in teaching your child the difference between discipline and self discipline come check us out at www.trainama.com or call 360-282-2600.

Building Confidence and Self Esteem in Monroe WA

 Building Self Esteem and Confidence at Active Martial Arts in Monroe WA.

 Many people say Martial Arts training builds confidence and builds self esteem. How exactly do we do that?

 Martial Arts Instructors are well respected, looked up to, admired- idolized even. We are like super heros to children. We are professional role models, and it isn't something to be taken lightly. With this in mind, here are just a few techniques we use to build self esteem.
Belt recognition - As you or your child progress through the program learning certain skills you will earn stripes on your belt. After earning all your stripes you will earn the next belt rank.  Rank is earned at our school, not given. The feeling of working hard and actually earning a reward for something you accomplished is a great feeling indeed.

Group recognition - If you or your child performs well in class we will occasionally build them up in front of their peers. We use special motivational techniques to cheer you on, share your improvements with the students, and recognize your performance. Our school is a positive place where even very shy students will meet many new friends!

One on One recognition- If you or your child are going through a tough time- we will be there for you. Not just with a stress relieving workout, but as a mentor. We frequently have talks with our younger students (at the parent's request) about troubles at home, better grades, study habits, bullying, eating healthier, etc.. We are caring and compassionate expert motivators!

Postcard recognition - It is not uncommon to recieve a postcard from your favorite instructor highlighting something special you did, a obstacle you have overcome, or just plain extra motivation!

Belt Graduation- Every quarter we have a belt graduation and in addition to belts,  awards are given for the most improvement, courtesy, perseverance, courage, etc.. 

EVERYONE is good at SOMETHING. Its our job to find that something!

Active Martial Arts in Monroe WA - www.trainama.com